Excel WBS and Gantt Chart - XLGantt How to #13 – Importing Server Data

You can use this feature when you want to see the schedule management data of the IT system running on the server on your PC.

After exporting the schedule management data to the ServerData sheet of the XLGantt file in the Server, download and open the XLGantt(Excel Gantt)file, and this data comes into the Schedule sheet.

1. Upload XLGantt file

Upload the XLGantt file (version 3.0.0 or higher) to the server once at the beginning. The “ServerData” sheet of the Excel Gantt file must exist and be configured in the following format (see attached).

XLGantt(Excel Gantt) – Importing Server Data


2. Export and download

When the user clicks the download button on the schedule management web UI provided by the server, the data on the web UI is exported to the "ServerData" sheet of the XLGantt file uploaded to the server and downloaded to the client PC.


3. Server Data Import

a) Open XLGantt file

When the user opens the downloaded XLGantt file, the data imported from the server ("ServerData" sheet data) is automatically entered into the Schedule sheet and the schedule is updated.
However, in “Options” as shown below, “Import Data of ServerData sheet on Startup” should be selected.

XLGantt(Excel Gantt) – Importing Server Data


b) Import from the ribbon menu

You can also import data by clicking “Import from Server” on the XLGantt ribbon menu.

It is not imported directly from the server, but the data exported from the server to the “ServerData” sheet is imported to the “Schedule” sheet.

XLGantt(Excel Gantt) – Importing Server Data


※ Connecting tasks

If task connection information is included in the “ServerData” sheet as follows, the connection lines between tasks are displayed on the Gantt chart.

XLGantt(Excel Gantt) – Importing Server Data

XLGantt(Excel Gantt) – Importing Server Data


“ServerData” sheet format: ServerData_Sheet_format.xlsx

The fields of the ServerData sheet are as follows.

Field Note
xlgantt_reserved Do not enter.

The title "xlgantt_reserved" should be entered in cell A1, and there should be no value from line 2.

When the import has been completed, the results are displayed in lines 2 and 3.

project_information Optional input

Line 2: Project name
Line 3: Project start date
Line 4: Project finish date
Line 5: Project planned %work complete
Line 6: Project %work complete

xlgantt_task_connection Optional input


id: Connector ID (numbering in order)
source: xlgantt_task_id (prior task)
target: xlgantt_task_id (following task)
type: 0-FS, 1-FF, 2-SS, 3-SF
criticalPath: 1-critical path, 0-not critical path

xlgantt_task_id Required input

numbering in order

wbs_level Required input

Enter wbs_level as a number

WBS Optional input
Task Required input
Note Optional input
Start Required input
Finish Required input
__Memo User Defined field (Optional input)

User defined fields have two underscores in front of the field name

Calendar Optional input
Total Work Optional input
Planned Work Optional input
Total Duration Optional input
Planned Duration Optional input
Actual Start Optional input
Actual Finish Optional input
Actual Total Work Optional input
Actual Total Duration Optional input
Weight Optional input
Resources Optional input
Deliverables Optional input
Planned %Work Complete Optional input
%Work Complete Optional input


[ XLGantt(Excel Gantt) How to ]

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